Essential Oil Supply List + Favorite Resources PLUS RECIPES!
UPDATE! I no longer distribute Young Living but still love the products! Leaving these informational posts up for your enjoyment and as a resource.
I get asked often what my favorite supplies and education resources are for Essential Oils. Here is are my favorite supplies, resources, recipes to get you started and so much more! Some of the supplies and resources, such as books, that I listed are also probably available at your local stores and businesses.
With my original Young Living Premium Starter Kit and with being on our amazing Essential Rewards program (monthly subscription box that I get to customize) I make a lot of my own beauty products, hair serums, room sprays and a ton of DIY gifts.
I love having my own at home apothecary, and being able to find a solution for pretty much anything I need at a moments notice. Don't have a kit yet? Lets get you one. Not on Essential Rewards yet? You are missing out! I will help you customize your monthly order to fit what it is you need! You can cancel anytime but you just won't want to once you start!
Photo via @kararosenberryco on Instagram.
Go ahead and buy the supplies in bulk. Once you start to use your oils, you will find uses for the more than 1 or two items that come in your order. You can create gifts on a whim, find solutions for your family, and you will have everything right on hand. Need help? I have ideas and recipes in abundance. Don't be overwhelmed, but instead let this empower you and assist you in your essential oil journey!
RECIPE 10 ML roller bottle
10-15 drops of essential oil
24 count// 10 ml rollers
Multicolor Rollers with Gold Lids~a little fun and fancy~24 count
Fractionated Coconut Oil
With your essential oils kit from Young Living, the world is your oyster as far as making sprays, serums, hair products, toners, room and linen sprays. I LOVE making all of these with my own personal care product and knowing exactly what is in each one.
Spray Bottle Recipes and supply links are below with a special section on toners.
15-20 drops of essential oil
A splash of witch hazel or a pinch of salt
fill bottle with distilled water
(OIL SUGGESTIONS try lemon and lavender, or the Young Living blend, Purification. Lemongrass is fabulous, crisp and clean or try lemon and germanium for a lovely romantic blend, thieves plus orange or clove and orange for all the fall vibes. Possibilities are endless)
10 Drops Peppermint
+ 5 Drops Lavender
Splash of Witch Hazel or Pinch of Salt
Top off with distilled water
2 oz Spray Bottle // 16 count + a few extras
Do you have the concentrated Thieves Cleaner from Young Living?
This cleaner is EVERYTHING you need to clean your house. EVERYTHING. If you don't have this cleaner yet, lets chat about how to get some to you.
One concentrated bottle makes up to 40 bottles of cleaner. 40 BOTTLES! I love to get spray bottles and have them in different spots in my house for my Thieves Cleaner. This is really the ONLY cleaner I use in my house. The only one! Its so versatile!
29 Ways to use Thieves Cleaner from Young Living
BASIC RECIPE Basic Household Cleaner
add 1 capful of Thieves Cleaner to 16 oz glass spray bottle.
Fill with water
Add lemon essential oil to boost your clean!
Glass Spray Bottles for Toxic Free Cleaning with Thieves
Anyone that knows me or that has followed me for very long knows that I am all about making things lovely. This may be one of my favorite aspects of Essential Oil DIY projects. I can whip up a gift in a jiffy or make my own beauty and cleaning products feel extra special and personalized.
Some of my favorite finds and elements I find when I am not even looking. Washi Tape, pretty address labels at the office supply store or cute shipping tags and bakers twine are some of my favorite finds. Target Dollar Spot and Dollar Tree always is a temptation with adorable stickers and adornments. Buy some of what tickles your fancy and keep it at home for gifting and for your own personal collection.
Some of my favorite online buys for essential oil adornment are below.
Dymo Embossing Labels and Dymo Refill Tape
Cute Kraft Colored Sticker Labels that Stay on I like to use a water color pencils on these for gifts.
Apothocary Labels + labels for your lids I haven't ever used these, but these are gorgeous!
Photo via @oilandhoneycomb on Instagram
Just wanted I needed, another category of things to shop for. BUT I promise, once you really start using your oils, you will want some of this cuteness below. These lovely shops just a few of the many fabulous options out there.
OIL AND HONEYCOMB My favorite Essential Oil Bracelets. The Owner and Maker, Christa is a gem and a dear friend.
BLOOMIING RAE DESIGNS Perfume Bottle Heaven for your homemade essential oil perfumes
WHIMSEY AND WELLNESS Whimsical Essential Oil Supplies
MODERN MAKERIE Natural Living, Made Beautiful
GREAT HURON HANDMADE Gorgeous Handmade bags for your essential oils. Custom designs available. Justine is a pleasure to work with
Your job is not to feel overwhelmed with essential oils but to feel empowered!
Photo via Jana Roach
Follow my fabulous and like minded leaders from Young Living! Tips, Tricks, Recipes and info on more of what YL has to offer. We all love to mix and little beauty, personal life and loveliness into our everyday. And some laughter too...
Vanessa @ Floral and Pine
The HILARIOUS Jami Nato/Oil Collective
Jana Roach of The Market Beautiful (she got me into this whole essential oil thing. I am here by complete accident!)
and MOI! Kara Rosenberry Co.
Lindsey Elmore, Pharmacist and EO Advocate Instagram, Lindsey Elmore's Website and Blog
Young Living Instagram, Young Living Blog
Saavy Minerals Instagram Young Livings Clean Beauty and Makeup line
Jana Roach Essentials an guide for wellness thru plant based living and helpful business resources
Essential Oil Reference Guide Your new favorite go-to for all questions Essential Oil
Essentials: 50 Answers to Common Questions about Essential Oils
Essential Oils Revolution Podcast
photo via @kararosenberryco Instagram
Q~Can I use Essential Oils while pregnant?
A~ YES! With a little guidance, EO's will be your BFF during this special time in your life. Essential Oils and Pregnancy
Q~Can I use Essential Oils on my baby and or kids?
A~The answer is YES but with some guidelines and basics below.
Essential Oils in the Nursery
Diluting Essential Oils for Kids & Babies
Dr. Mom/ Essential Oils Solutions for your kids
Another amazing resource for kids and babies + oils Gentle Baby: Natural Remedies for Pregnancy, Childbirth Infants and Young Children by Debra Raybern
Q~I have a cat and or dog. I have heard Essential Oils can be toxic. Can I use them around my animals?
A~YES! Again, with a little guidance and the right essential oils, (hello Young Living), you and your animals can enjoy the benefit of Essential Oils. Essential Oils + Pets.
Thanks for being a part of my essential oil tribe!
With my original Young Living Premium Starter Kit and with being on our amazing Essential Rewards program (monthly subscription box that I get to customize) I make a lot of my own beauty products, hair serums, room sprays and a ton of DIY gifts.
I love having my own at home apothecary, and being able to find a solution for pretty much anything I need at a moments notice. Don't have a kit yet? Lets get you one. Not on Essential Rewards yet? You are missing out! I will help you customize your monthly order to fit what it is you need! You can cancel anytime but you just won't want to once you start!
Photo via @kararosenberryco on Instagram.
Go ahead and buy the supplies in bulk. Once you start to use your oils, you will find uses for the more than 1 or two items that come in your order. You can create gifts on a whim, find solutions for your family, and you will have everything right on hand. Need help? I have ideas and recipes in abundance. Don't be overwhelmed, but instead let this empower you and assist you in your essential oil journey!
Wonderful way to make your essential oils more mobile. Great way to stretch out your oils. A glass vial with a roller top for easy application. Apply to temples, around your neck, jaw line and ears, under nose. Use caution in the sun with citrus oils! RECIPE 10 ML roller bottle
10-15 drops of essential oil
Top with fractionated coconut oil or your favorite carrier oil.
Some Roller Ball Recipe Ideas from your Premium Starter Kit
SLEEP MORE+STRESS LESS 10 drops Valor + 3 drops Lavender + 2 Drops Citrus Fresh OR 8 drops Peace + Calming + 5 drops Lemon OR 10 drops Peace and Calming OR 10 drops Lavender + 5 drops Valor OR 10 Drops Lavender + 5 drops Stressway
BOHO BLISS PARFUME 10 drops Citrus Fresh + 5 Drops Frankincense
PAIN RELIEF 10 drops Panaway + 5 Drops Peppermint
ALLERGY RELIEF 5 drops of each of these essential oils from your kit Lemon + Lavender + Peppermint
IMMUNITY BOOST 10 drops Thieves, 3 Drops Frankincense + 2 drops Lavender
BYE BYE BLUES 10 drops Lavender or Valor + 5 Drops Citrus Fresh
HAPPY HAPPY 10 drops Citrus Fresh + 3 Drops Lemon + 2 Drops Peppermint
VACATION IN A BOTTLE 15 drops Stressaway is all you need. This is bliss in a bottle.
12 count// 10 ML rollers 24 count// 10 ml rollers
Multicolor Rollers with Gold Lids~a little fun and fancy~24 count
Fractionated Coconut Oil
With your essential oils kit from Young Living, the world is your oyster as far as making sprays, serums, hair products, toners, room and linen sprays. I LOVE making all of these with my own personal care product and knowing exactly what is in each one.
Spray Bottle Recipes and supply links are below with a special section on toners.
I use this toner on my skin every day and night. I also spray it in my hair. It smells so luxurious!
Add oils and then fill the rest of the bottle with witch hazel.
For my base, I use 1/2 regular witch hazel and half rose witch hazel by Thayers. Any other witch hazel will do as well.
~Troubled skin and everyday Toner- use 10 drops Tea Tree, 2 drops lavender 2 drops Patchouli. (Love this in my hair too!)
For my base, I use 1/2 regular witch hazel and half rose witch hazel by Thayers. Any other witch hazel will do as well.
~Troubled skin and everyday Toner- use 10 drops Tea Tree, 2 drops lavender 2 drops Patchouli. (Love this in my hair too!)
~Anti-aging Toner- 8 drops Frankincense, 5 drops Copaiba, 2 drops Grapefruit
~Brightening Toner- 10 drops grapefruit, 2 drops lemon, 2 drops patchouli (NOTE Citrus oils are photosensitive. Use with care when in the sun)
ROOM/ LINEN SPRAY ditch the toxic room sprays, plugs ins and candles!
ROOM/ LINEN SPRAY ditch the toxic room sprays, plugs ins and candles!
15-20 drops of essential oil
A splash of witch hazel or a pinch of salt
fill bottle with distilled water
(OIL SUGGESTIONS try lemon and lavender, or the Young Living blend, Purification. Lemongrass is fabulous, crisp and clean or try lemon and germanium for a lovely romantic blend, thieves plus orange or clove and orange for all the fall vibes. Possibilities are endless)
10 Drops Peppermint
+ 5 Drops Lavender
Splash of Witch Hazel or Pinch of Salt
Top off with distilled water
2 oz Spray Bottle // 16 count + a few extras
Do you have the concentrated Thieves Cleaner from Young Living?
This cleaner is EVERYTHING you need to clean your house. EVERYTHING. If you don't have this cleaner yet, lets chat about how to get some to you.
One concentrated bottle makes up to 40 bottles of cleaner. 40 BOTTLES! I love to get spray bottles and have them in different spots in my house for my Thieves Cleaner. This is really the ONLY cleaner I use in my house. The only one! Its so versatile!
29 Ways to use Thieves Cleaner from Young Living
BASIC RECIPE Basic Household Cleaner
add 1 capful of Thieves Cleaner to 16 oz glass spray bottle.
Fill with water
Add lemon essential oil to boost your clean!
Glass Spray Bottles for Toxic Free Cleaning with Thieves
Anyone that knows me or that has followed me for very long knows that I am all about making things lovely. This may be one of my favorite aspects of Essential Oil DIY projects. I can whip up a gift in a jiffy or make my own beauty and cleaning products feel extra special and personalized.
Some of my favorite finds and elements I find when I am not even looking. Washi Tape, pretty address labels at the office supply store or cute shipping tags and bakers twine are some of my favorite finds. Target Dollar Spot and Dollar Tree always is a temptation with adorable stickers and adornments. Buy some of what tickles your fancy and keep it at home for gifting and for your own personal collection.
Some of my favorite online buys for essential oil adornment are below.
Dymo Embossing Labels and Dymo Refill Tape
Cute Kraft Colored Sticker Labels that Stay on I like to use a water color pencils on these for gifts.
Apothocary Labels + labels for your lids I haven't ever used these, but these are gorgeous!
Photo via @oilandhoneycomb on Instagram
Just wanted I needed, another category of things to shop for. BUT I promise, once you really start using your oils, you will want some of this cuteness below. These lovely shops just a few of the many fabulous options out there.
OIL AND HONEYCOMB My favorite Essential Oil Bracelets. The Owner and Maker, Christa is a gem and a dear friend.
BLOOMIING RAE DESIGNS Perfume Bottle Heaven for your homemade essential oil perfumes
WHIMSEY AND WELLNESS Whimsical Essential Oil Supplies
MODERN MAKERIE Natural Living, Made Beautiful
GREAT HURON HANDMADE Gorgeous Handmade bags for your essential oils. Custom designs available. Justine is a pleasure to work with
Your job is not to feel overwhelmed with essential oils but to feel empowered!
Photo via Jana Roach
Follow my fabulous and like minded leaders from Young Living! Tips, Tricks, Recipes and info on more of what YL has to offer. We all love to mix and little beauty, personal life and loveliness into our everyday. And some laughter too...
Vanessa @ Floral and Pine
The HILARIOUS Jami Nato/Oil Collective
Jana Roach of The Market Beautiful (she got me into this whole essential oil thing. I am here by complete accident!)
and MOI! Kara Rosenberry Co.
Lindsey Elmore, Pharmacist and EO Advocate Instagram, Lindsey Elmore's Website and Blog
Young Living Instagram, Young Living Blog
Saavy Minerals Instagram Young Livings Clean Beauty and Makeup line
Jana Roach Essentials an guide for wellness thru plant based living and helpful business resources
Essential Oil Reference Guide Your new favorite go-to for all questions Essential Oil
Essentials: 50 Answers to Common Questions about Essential Oils
Essential Oils Revolution Podcast
photo via @kararosenberryco Instagram
Q~Can I use Essential Oils while pregnant?
A~ YES! With a little guidance, EO's will be your BFF during this special time in your life. Essential Oils and Pregnancy
Q~Can I use Essential Oils on my baby and or kids?
A~The answer is YES but with some guidelines and basics below.
Essential Oils in the Nursery
Diluting Essential Oils for Kids & Babies
Dr. Mom/ Essential Oils Solutions for your kids
Another amazing resource for kids and babies + oils Gentle Baby: Natural Remedies for Pregnancy, Childbirth Infants and Young Children by Debra Raybern
Q~I have a cat and or dog. I have heard Essential Oils can be toxic. Can I use them around my animals?
A~YES! Again, with a little guidance and the right essential oils, (hello Young Living), you and your animals can enjoy the benefit of Essential Oils. Essential Oils + Pets.
Need to stock up on some of the above or grab your own premium starter kit?
Find out how to below.
- Have a Young Living account with me? Sign into your account, do a essential rewards for maximum benefit. You won't regret and you can cancel anytime. You can do a quick order but you won't maximize your spending nearly as much! Both are found in the virtual office. Need help? Let me know! Need to know where to order some supplies to make your own products like the Plant Potion and sprays above? Go here!
- Don't have an account yet? You will get a difuser ( my favorite is the desert mist or for an upgraded difuser, chose the aria), 12 of the most amazing, versatile and well loved oils plus 24% off on anything you buy going forward. Go here to grab your kit. Go ahead and check yes for making your kit your first essential rewards order and get a free product and $10 to spend on future products! Cancel anytime! Let me know if I can help you customize your next monthly order.
If your friend sent you this article to read up on the starter kit, they will give you instructions on how to grab a kit and be a part of their tribe.
I hope that you start to use your essential oils daily! You will absolutely fall in love! I am here to help you and guide you along the way!
Thanks for being a part of my essential oil tribe!